Album artwork I created for my own personal music project, Nocturne.
Logo was created within Adobe Illustrator. Artwork was simulated in Houdini, sculpted in ZBrush, rendered within Maya/MtoA, and composited with Photoshop.
Combination of MASH nodes and nParticles within Maya 2018
Music by Inervati
Demonstration of particle effects knowledge within the Unity game engine. All graphics used were hand made within Adobe Photoshop.
Experimentation with MASH framework within Maya 2018. Images and effects composited in Adobe After Effects.
2018 School Project | Teaser video for a game pitch from NAIT. Entire project was designed and produced by myself.
2017 School Project | Basic animation featuring a few different render passes and additional effects.
2017 School Project | Image projection onto geometry within Maya 2017.